eARC Review: Crimson Summer by Heather Graham


Crimson Summer

Book Info

  • Released Date: Apr 5th

  • Publication: Harlequin

  • Pages: 384

  • Format: eBook

I have been waiting for this book forever!
— Abigail Books Addiction

What can I say that I have been waiting for this book forever?!? After the major cliffhanger in the first book, I had to get the second book. But of course, it's still been written since it was published last year. So I had to wait patiently for the next book, and I'm glad that I did.

Crimson Summer has brought their game up with the twists and turns as Amy and Hunter track down their suspect. Expect a lot of surprise as Amy and Hunter investigate the clues along the way.

I won't say much, but this book leads to something bigger than before. I just can't read the next book leading to it.


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