eARC Review: Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur
Count Your Lucky Stars
Book Info
Released Date: Feb 1st
Publication: Avon Books
Pages: 384
Format: eBook
“I find it cute when you reunited with your former love again”
I was a bit surprised that we were getting another book from Alexandria Bellefleur, but it's a good surprise. I do enjoy reading her books. I sometimes have problems with her book's ending.
We get to read about Margot struggling in being the fifth wheel in her friendship group. All of her close friends are living their best married life, yet she finds herself a bit jealous and lonely. She has tried in the past with dating, it just does not work with her. And it still does not help when her friends are trying to set her up with her former friend (aka lover), Olivia.
I like this book better than the first book, but less than the second book. I just have a hard time with second-chance romance tropes. I think second chance romance is just a bit too messy for my taste. There was a reason why you broke it off. And to forgive someone is also so challenging.