eARC Review: Christa Comes Out of Her Snell by Abbi Waxman

Women Fic

Christa Comes Out of Her Snell

Book Info

  • Released Date: April 16th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 400

  • Format: eBook

you are looking to read something for the vibes, then this book is it
— Abigail Books Addiction

Just like Abbi Waxman previously wrote, we as readers are in for a journey. She usually loves writing about something relatable yet heartbreaking to read. Or sometimes she just likes to write something just for the vibes. It’s always fun to read either way.

Do you know that I just loved how messy yet chaotic Chatty Isra Comes Out of Her Shell was? It was a journey from the beginning. And I enjoyed every minute of it. It may be chaotic and electric for some, but if you are looking to read something for the vibes, then this book is it.

I don’t know how to say it, but you are going to love the little yet sassy dog in this book. He has attitudes for days and literally has the best personality throughout the book. The dog doesn’t hold out to whoever is interacting with him. It’s pretty funny to read.


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