eARC: A Taste of Sage by Yaffa S. Santos



A Taste of Sage


Book Info

  • Released Date: May 19th

  • Publication: Harper

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: Ebook

I hate to say this but I was so confuse with A Taste of Sage story line. I do not know how else I can say it.

Reading the book was completely different from what the book summary has mention. Very briefly was her special gift was mention in the book. It was a bit back and forth about the two characters about their food opinions. Pus, there was very little interaction until the end of the book. Relationship seem very rush toward the end. I don’t want to critique but it need to be more chemistry between the characters. If there was more attraction and chemistry, then this book would have been better. It had potential with rival chef with different taste. That’s all I am saying.


eARC: Temper by Chantal Fernando


ARC: Beach Read by Emily Henry