ARC Review: 44 Chapters About 4 Men by BB Easton


44 Chapters About 4 Men

Book Info

  • Released Date: Nov. 19, 2019

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 352

  • Format: Paperback

never read BB Easton books before but now I feel like that I should
— Abigail Books Addiction

You know what? I have never read BB Easton books before but now I feel like that I should. I fucking loved 44 Chapters About 4 Men. Like I am kinda surprise but the good kind.

44 Chapters About 4 Men bring out the quirky side of BBEaston. And I’m loving it. Everyone got a past especially in their love past. And we get to read about her past and present together. It’s a wonderful turn of events. Marriage is always a working progress, and in BB Easton case, always time for improvements. And what’s the wonderful idea that BB Easton creates,writing in her journal so her husband can see? Brilliant! I feel like everyone should if they want their husband to improve. I know I would if I was marry.

I truly appreciate the honest from BB Easton journal entries. It’s quirky and fun. And I get to laugh more than ever. Plus, we get see the true honest from BB Easton marriage standpoint.


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