ARC Review: Friends Like Us by Sarah Mackenzie
Friends Like Us
Book Info
Released Date: Jan 26th
Publication: Forever
Pages: 272
Format: Paperback
“Don’t you love reading about two friends rediscovering themselves as individuals while they also navigate their career?”
We got a new book from Sarah Mackenzie. And get ready for raw emotions while Bree and Jill figure out things don't always go as planned in life.
Bree had a big scary when she was waiting for the results of cancer. But luckily, it was not serious but it gave Bree a wake up call. And it's the best one because it will push Bree out of her comfort zone and get what she wants. She may have been scared to do it before but life is short, and it's better than later. It does help that she will meet someone new too. Expect some cute-cute romance between them.
While Bree is going out of her comfort zone, Jill is stuck in her life. She won't admit it to anyone. But she is struggling with coping with her husband's death. Grief is a strange feeling and stage that it takes time. And it always will but it's something that Jill needs to face and realize. It won't be pretty. And it will definitely be messy. But Jill will face something so hard but yet she will rediscover herself again.