eARC Review: The Beach Trap by Ali Brady


The Beach Trap

Book Info

  • Released Date: June 14th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 452

  • Format: eBook

If you ever watched Parent Trap when you were childrens, then you are in for a real treat when you read this book.
— Abigail Books Addiction

The Beach Trap by Ali Brady gives Parent Trap vibes when Kat and Blake discover they are half-sisters years ago. And they are going to reunite again once they hear that they both inherited the beach house from their former father. It’s going to be a tricky situation for Kat and Blake because they haven’t seen each other for many years.

To say the situation is going to be very awkward between Kat and Blake is the understatement of the year. They haven’t seen each other for so many years. And it’s not going to go well when they reunite. They both have different opinions about the beach house: Kat wants to keep the beach house while Blake wants to sell the beach house.

Even though they are at odds with each other, they both have conflicted feelings about being sisters. They once shared a special bond when they were children at the campground. Maybe they are able to gain their bond again as they both work on the house renovation.


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