eARC Review: For the Love of the Bard by Jessica Martin
For the Love of the Bard
Book Info
Released Date: June 28th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 352
Format: eBook
“ a lot of references to Shakespeare’s works”
For all of my Shakespeare peeps, you will definitely enjoy reading this book. It has a lot of references to Shakespeare's works. But I would say go with caution when reading this book. Let me explain.
I don’t like to read second chance tropes in romance books. I find myself unforgiving of the main characters because there was a reason why the break-up happened. And as I read through For the Love of the Bard, I just knew that the main character, Miranda, deserves better.
Miranda returns to her hometown to help her mother play, and also work on her book that she has yet to finish. She does not have the time or the heart to deal with dealing with her ex-love, Adam.
He broke her heart in the worst way by kissing her older sister on prom night. Who the hell does not? I’m sorry, but I will just refuse to forgive him. But no, she gives him another chance, and he blows it again. I just can’t. He blew his chance twice already. There is no need to go back to him after a third time. Makes no sense to me.