Review: Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams



Undercover Bromance


Book Info

  • Released Date: Mar 10th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: Paperback

Get ready for the Bromance coming together again
— Abigail Books Addiction

Bromance Club is back again! And it is Braden Mack turn.

I figured that Braden and Liv were going to be together. They had instant attraction between them especially with Braden taking Liv leftovers. You never mess with leftovers at all. It’s sacred. But that did not stop Braden at all. And he gets Liv into more trouble. It’s all good for Liv since she will discover some terrible information about her former boss.

Liv may love working as a chef but she definitely doesn't get along with her former boss. He is a terror but he is also a predator too. And she is more than willing to expose his discretion. But it is going to take some help to expose him, and she gets it from Braden. She may be unwilling to accept his help but he is the best bet to help her since he has a connection to help.

I really wanted to like Live but sometimes in the book, she was plain annoying. Like a man, get a grip. Not everything is about you, she really needs to rethink how this affects people if they are unwilling to speak up. It’s their right, not yours.


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