Review: Twisted Cravings by Cora Reilly



Twisted Cravings


Book Info

  • Released Date: Mar 13th

  • Publication: Shelf

  • Pages: 303

  • Format: eBook

We finally have Adamo story!
— Abigail Books Addiction

OMG, I was super excited to read Adamo's story so much. I have been waiting for his story for the longest! And now, I get to read it.

I had high expectations for Twisted Cravings since it was an Adamo story so I was kinda let down when I finished Twisted Cravings. I don’t know what it is but I felt something was missing in a major way. I did not feel the passion or hatred from Adamo. And I know he has it since he is a Falcone and he has family issues as well. I really wish they explore his issues because the family is part of him. And don’t get me started on Dinara. I expected something more from her but she seems off for me. I just could not get her as a character or a love interest for Adamo.


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