Review: The Fraud Squad by Kyla Zhao
Women Fiction
The Fraud Squad
Book Info
Released Date: January 17th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
I have been so excited to read this book. I had seen it all over Twitter, so I knew I wanted to read it. And thank goodness, I was given an early copy so I was able to read this book before release day.
It was a cute read. If you love watching K drama shows, then this book is the perfect book for you. But I do want to warn you that it’s not a romance book; it's more of a women's fiction read. If you keep that in mind while you read this book, then you will enjoy it even more. Plus, this book has a found family trope as well as a new beginnings trope.