Review: Still Standing by Kristen Ashley


MC Rom

Still Standing


Book Info

  • Released Date: Feb 2nd

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 528

  • Format: eBook

“We got a new book from Kristen Ashley”
— Abigail Books Addiction

I'm always a fan of Kristen Ashley books. She always knows how to write the best romance stories of Alpha man falling in love hard.

She is writing another MC romance series. And it's a bit different than the previous series. I do not know how I really feel about it. I do not know if anyone else feels the same way as I do but I have conflicted feelings about Still Standing. Like I love it but then I kinda don't because of the male character. I'm conflicted. I really did not appreciate Buck's attitude and actions at all. He was a bit too selfish for my taste. It was always about him and never of Clara. His place, his rules, his kids, his wants, and etc. It keeps on going and going on what he wants. I really cannot get into that. If we would have focused more about Clara and her growing into her own person, then maybe.


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