Review: Ivan 2 by Roxie Rivera


Mafia rom

Ivan 2


Book Info

  • Released Date: Oct 23

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 165

  • Format: eBook

Like I am not going to deny that I absolutely enjoy reading the Roxie Rivera Russian series.
— Abigail Books Addiction

If you have not read Roxie Rivera books before, then I highly suggest that you read her book in order cause you will get confused. Ivan 2 is the continuation of Erin and Ivan's journey.

So much has happened in Erin and Ivan lives but their love for each other has not changed. It's just stronger than ever especially since they want to have kids. It's a bit of a struggle for each of them but I know that they will be able too. Like how can they not. It may not be the best time to have Erin's sister come live with them but it's family. And they are more than willing to make it work. I hope that they are ready for it but there is going to be some drama when Erin's sister comes out of jail. Major ones. Definitely expect some changes. I won't spoil it but you will be on the edge until the end.


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