Review: How to Fail at Flirting by Denise Williams



How to Fail at Flirting


Book Info

  • Released Date: Dec 1, 2020

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 336

  • Format: Paperback

I love discovering new romance books
— Abigail Books Addiction

I was kinda excited to start reading How to Fail at Flirting especially since the book cover was too cute. And it definitely did not let me down at all once I started reading How to Fail at Flirting.

I got to say that How to Fail at Flirting started off great. It flowed really well that I didn't even know that I reached the last page (which was a bummer). And the characters' chemistry with each other was truly cute that made their romance story so much better. Do expect some bumps in the road between Naya and Jake. There are a few surprises and revelations among these two but who doesn’t have baggage in life?


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