Review: Hard Luck by Sara Ney


Sport Rom

Hard Luck


Book Info

  • Released Date: Mar 22nd

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 302

  • Format: eBook

Of course, I am going to binge read Sara Ney’s latest release.
— Abigail Books Addiction

I cannot believe that True is getting her story, and it's with her brother's teammate. Like what?!?! If you have not read the previous books in the series, I suggest you do because you will get confused about how True is related to who and what not.

I cannot believe that True is pregnant. Like whoa, we definitely need a backstory. And boy, did we. True definitely falls for her brother's teammate, Mateo but she has no idea how to tell him about the baby or her family either.

I did enjoy reading Hard Luck but I wish we read more of the present than the backstory. It kept dragging on. And True reason is not to tell Mateo about the baby delaying their romance together.


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