Review: Hands Down by Mariana Zapata
Hands Down
Book Info
Released Date: Jul 2nd
Publication: Self
Pages: 529
Format: Ebook
“OMG, we got another best-seller here!”
I love love reading any of Mariana Zapata's books. She always knows how to write the best romance story ever. She has created them out of thin air like magic. And we finally get a story of Zac.
If you have not read any books by Mariana Zapata, I definitely recommend reading them. ‘Cause they are awesome but it will also get you familiar with some of the characters that get mentioned in Hands Down.
Zac. Zac. Zac. We finally get his story and it’s explosive. Zac has always been the easy going, and it has not changed at all. I love it. He is still the goofy man as before. And he has finally found his match if he can convince her. Bianca and him go way back so there is some history between each other. But that makes the read so much better. They are destined to be together so it makes us wonder how the hell separated them. We will get to it but I won’t spoil it. You got to read it.
Biance is an unexpected but wonderful surprise. She is everything that I expected for Zac. She is goofy but kind. She has a hell of tough skin but she is also sensitive. She is the perfect package that Zac is in for it. And we also get to read about their family interactions which is so funny to read.