Review: Famine by Laura Thalassa
Book Info
Released Date: Oct 1st
Publication: Lavabrook
Pages: 404
Format: eBook
“This is terrible, I’m falling for all of these Horsemen. I can’t choose one at all. ”
I know. I know. We have all been waiting for Famine. And I have to say it, it doesn’t disappoint at all. I fucking love every pages. I cannot stop at all. Thankfully enough I was off that day.
Famine is the third brother of the four horsemen. And he is different. Like I knew that I had to expect it but it still surprised me. He is so raw but hides his emotions very deeply. And it only comes out when he is verbally sparring with the devious yet honest women, Ana de Silva.
She got spunky. And I’m for it. Like she knows to place someone in their place. No problem at all. But she still has a sense of morals in forgiving people. It may be hard for her but she is always willing to find the good no matter what. And it definitely amazes Famine, he definitely doesn’t understand because people are never what they seem except for Ana de Silva. She is his soft spot.
They definitely have history between each other. But it does not stop them from falling in love with each other. It’s more of a slow burning romance between them. It gives them time to process but it also kills us cause we want them together already. Don’t worry, they do in their own time.
Expect a surprise in the end. It’s definitely a tease!