Review: Do I Know You? By Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka


Do I Know You?

Book Info

  • Released Date: January 24th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 352

  • Format: Paperback

I had high expectations of this book. I truly enjoyed Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka's previous book, The Roughest Draft, so I expected to enjoy reading their newest book, Do I Know You? Unfortunately, I really did not like this book as much as I expected. Do I Know You is the second chance trope in Eliza and Graham's troubled marriage.These two people aren’t really being themselves with each other after being married for five years.

The premise of the book sounded intriguing. It’s always cute to read about couples reconnecting with each other after so many years. It makes the reading so much more realistic. People change throughout the years. It’s common to feel disconnected from some people But I found Eliza and Graham exhausting as a couple.

Throughout the whole book, it’s really not Graham's fault. Yes, he may be stoic and silent at times, but that’s his personality. You just have to ask him questions or communicate what you want. He truly understands that. It’s really Eliza's fault in the book. She is the one who does not open up about how she feels or what she wants. She keeps expecting Graham to know already, and that’s not how relationships work. 

I truly want Graham to find someone better than Eliza, which is kind of horrible to say. You want to root for the characters, but I just didn’t like Eliza at all.


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