Review: Blood to Ash series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Fantasy Rom
Blood and Ash series
Book Info:
-Released Date: Varies
-Publication: Self
-Pages: 416
“Want to read a killer fantasy romance series?”
I know, I know. I am late to the game about the Blood to Ash series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. But I had time to read three of the books since the third book came out recently. And I have to say that it’s a good fantasy romance book. There were some moments that I was like what the hell. And I know you did too. Don’t lie, especially how the third book ended.
Back to the subject, Blood to Ash series is a good fantasy romance series to read. It has its flaw which I will discuss below. But it does gives reader a new book characters to get attached with and a new world to explore while reading. I will get more in-depth with each book of the series below.
1. From Blood to Ash
I was a bit surprised how fast-paced From Blood to Ash progresses throughout the book. Usually, the first book in the series starts off slow since the author is setting up the storyline. Yet we get Poppy, the maiden, unsure about her role yet not questioning since she has no escape until she meets Hawke, the new guard honor. Looks can be deceiving. That is a lesson Poppy will learn the hard way. She is a bit naive about trusting people too soon. Everyone always has a motive no matter what. It does not change when there are two kingdoms fighting each other viscous. I am sorry that Poppy learns too late but it will give her the willpower to find her true self, not what people expect from her.
2. A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire
I knew it the moment I first read about Hawke that there was more than meets the eye. And I was right. I just knew it. I am sorry that Poppy has to face that betrayal, and to top it off, he wants to marry her. Like homie, take a step back and think about what you just did. You literally betrayed her the most horrible way. And all you gotta say is I have to get my brother. I understand rescuing families is important but don’t sleep with a virgin and then make her fall in love with you, and then kidnap her against her will. Hmmm, no. You just don’t do that. You should have kidnapped her but instead you did the unforgivable. I was so angry. And I got more angry when Poppy started to forgive him. Ugh, love. Love makes people stupid. I wish Poppy had more of a backbone especially how more and more people are gunning for her.
3. The Crown of Gilded Bones
Man, this one was a doozy. Like major information overload. And unexpected twists at every turn. Poppy definitely cannot catch a break at all. I am surprised how much she has been through. That is too much for one person. I would need to take a time-out and decompress. But Poppy cannot even do that when everyone wants her. Who can blame them? She is awesome and powerful but a bit naive about people. It gets her in trouble in the beginning but thankfully, she finally gets a backbone in the end. I cannot wait for the next book because she will finally show everyone that she is not the person to mess with at all. They better watch out.
P.S. I am still angry about those cliffhangers. Like why. Why do this? I need to know but I have to wait now. Goodness.