eARC Review: Adult Assembly Required by Abbi Waxman


Adult Assembly Required

Book Info

  • Released Date: May 17th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 352

  • Format: eBook

I like reading any of Abbi Waxman books. It relates to so many levels.
— Abigail Books Addiction

Abbi Waxman knows how to write women's fiction books that you can relate to. And Adult Assembly Required brings us closer to ourselves when we leave the nest and branch out on our own.

Laura may be out of her element when she moves across the country from her family and her past. But she is determined to make it on her own. She wants to face reality without dealing with her past (which won’t work in my opinion). She just needs to find a new home since her former place went up in flames.

Lucky enough, she finds a trusted companion when she walks into an indie bookstore. And she will get to meet more and more people when she moves into a new home with multiple roommates. It may sound stretchy at first, but she was lucky to find good people who would have an impact on her life.

There is a lot to say about this book, but the most important thing to know is the multiple POVs. It’s not really clear who POV you are reading from at first, but then you will know. Just keep that in mind and you won’t get confused. It flows together steamy.


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