eARC: The White Coat Diaries by Madi Sinha
The White Coat Diaries
Book Info
Released Date: Sept 15th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 304
Format: eBook
“Let’s get ready to read about sleep-deprived intern doctor as they navtigate through their personal and professional life.”
Norah Kapadia is facing a lot in her personal and professional life. It’s never easy to be the perfect Indian daughter while pursuing a career in medicine.
Norah is trying her best in navigating her professional life while balancing time with her family. But she is really not doing a good job. She is kinda struggling in both that something gotta give. In reality, she needs to grow up a bit. Stop being naive about things. Don’t be serious about that guy, it’s a waste of your time. She is going to realize this later on. But things always come back.
Norah spent a lot of the time living up to people standards but not her own. It’s time for her to realize what she wants overall. And that won’t happen until the end, which is kinda of a bummer but expected.
I wish the author spent more time in Norah re-discovering herself than her making poor decisions. I would have liked to read about her to discover who she really is.