eARC Review: When In Rome by Sarah Adams


When In Rome

Book Info

  • Released Date: September 20th

  • Publication: Dell

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: eBook

I enjoy reading small town romance books. It’s just a cute read, and it’s the perfect read for the summer/fall time. And When In Rome fits the mold.

I know people are raving about this book, but I have some feelings about it. The main issue I have is the boundaries that are crossed. I understand that Noah may be a grump to everyone, but it doesn’t mean pushing him to Amelia when she comes into town. He is alone for a reason. And it’s up to him to work through it without people pushing him, too. That's a big boundary to cross.

And don’t get me started on Amelia crossing the boundaries with Noah. I know she is having a hard time in life, but it does not mean to crash his place and space when it’s apparent he doesn’t want you around. I find it pretty rude. I am big on not crossing people's space and respecting their space. Amelia has no regard for Noah's space. Let him be who he is. I wanted better for Noah. Amelia just irritates me so much.


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