eARC Review: This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan
This Could Be Us
Book Info
Released Date: March 5th
Publication: Forever Pub
Pages: 416
Format: eBook
“known to break reader hearts with her heartbreaking yet relatable romance stories”
Am I ready for my heart to break into a million pieces? Maybe, yes. Why do you ask? It’s because Kennedy Ryan wrote it. She is known to break reader hearts with her heartbreaking yet relatable romance stories. And I can’t stop reading her books because they're too good to stop.
This Could Be Us just brings tears to my heart. I felt Soledad's pain throughout her journey as she tried to navigate her new life. She thought she had a good marriage, but in reality, she was in denial. It wasn’t perfect. It was made of lies and betrayal that cut her deeply when she discovered the real truth.
It always hurts when you get betrayed, but it doesn’t stop Soledad from moving forward. She may have some bumps in the road. She is just more determined to be her true self. She isn’t going to let anyone put her down or belittle her anymore.
It doesn’t hurt that she becomes attractive to Judah. It may be forbidden and tricky since he was the one who discovered how grim Soledad ex was. But it doesn’t hurt to have someone to admire or maybe love you. Their friendship and relationship will be the most wholesome yet steamy thing ever. It’s such a heartwarming journey to see.