eARC Review: The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan
Women Fic
The Summer Seekers
Book Info
Released Date: May 18th
Publication: Harlequin
Pages: 432
Format: eBook
“It’s tricky to maintain a healthy mother and daughter relationship”
Mother and daughter relationship can be the most important yet difficult relationship to maintain. I am not saying that it cannot be managed but it is tricky to maintain over the years especially in Kathleen and Liza's case.
Kathleen and Liza have maintained a frosty mother-daughter relationship since forever. Kathleen has always been an adventure traveler that she made it as her career. She has gone to different places throughout the years that made her independent and fierce, but yet it left her with a troubling relationship with her daughter, Liza. It makes you wonder if Liza has ever resented her mother leaving throughout the years all the times. And it's something Kathleen has wondered when she starts a brand new adventure.
Liza may not have said it but she does regret her cold relationship with her mother. And she definitely needs her mother even more when she is having doubts in her marriage. It is okay to have doubts in your marriage. No marriage is ever perfect. Sometimes, you just need space to think. And that's what Liza is going to do. It may not have been planned but it was much needed. She will discover what is missing in her life and her marriage as well.
Life can be uncertain at times but it does provide surprises especially in Kathleen and Liza's case.