eARC Review: The Merriest Magnolia by Michelle Major



The Merriest Magnolia


Book Info

  • Released Date: Oct 13th

  • Publication: HQN Books

  • Pages: 384

  • Format: eBook

‘Tis The Season To Be Joy In Love
— Abigail Books Addiction

It's time for Christmas romance stories. And The Merriest Magnolia is available to read now.

I hate to say this but The Merriest Magnolia was a bit of a slow read for me. I don't know why because I loved the first book so I was definitely excited to read the second book. But I just could not get into the mood. I really think that it was the trope of the story. I am usually in love for second chances or hell no for second chances. There was too much hate in the beginning of the book. Like c'mon. I understand breakups are hard but it's either time to move forward or have closure. Like I am not saying that The Merriest Magnolia was bad. It's a good read but it's a bit slow for me and kind of predictable. If you are in the mood for second chances romance during Christmas time, then it's a good read for you. I am a bit of a prick reader when it comes about second romance stories. Just full warning.


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