eARC Review: The Layover by Lacie Waldon


Women Fict

The Layover


Book Info

  • Released Date: Jun 15th

  • Publication: G.P. Putnam's Sons

  • Pages: 336

  • Format: eBooks

I was kind of surprised how much I love The Layover. It was such a refreshing romance read. I know some will be hesitant to read since there were a lot of mixed reviews but trust me, I totally fell in love with it. It's such a refreshing yet relatable romance read. We try to hide that the past does not define us but in some parts they do just like Ava in The Layover.

Ava was a character that was surprisingly refreshing. She tried so hard to be a stable person because she had a tough childhood. Yet she is drawn in discovering new cities and new meaning. She may not notice at first but along the way she will. And she will discover that people are not who they are.

Side note, I know people have mentioned that she was emotionally cheating but she was not. They broke it off (thanks goodness) before she started to get to know more of Jack.


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