eARC Review: The Girl Most Likely To by Julie Tieu


The Girl Most Likely To

Book Info

  • Released Date: February 18th

  • Publication: Avon

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: eBook

Did I enjoy this book? Yes, I did. Did I feel like it’s more women’s fiction than romance? Definitely yes.
— Abigail

Rachel never expected to be laid off after working so hard in her professional career. And she never expected to say yes to her high school reunion. It’s been so many years since she last saw her classmates, especially her former frenemy Danny.

Rachel has always thought about Danny, just like an afterthought. With nothing to do anymore, Rachel keeps thinking about their time together in high school. And Rachel still misses Danny. The high school reunion is the perfect chance to reunite their friendship again.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes, I did. Did I feel like it’s more women's fiction than romance? Definitely yes.

I truly think this book is more women's fiction than romance. The main character, Rachel, is a bit messier as a main character. We focus more on her journey about being laid off after putting so many years into her career and what she is going to do next. Being laid off will open Rachel's eyes about her life and what she will do next.

What she thinks about more is her nonexistent friendship with Danny Phan. She still misses him after so many years. Danny meant so much to her during their high school years that she still regrets her actions. She is more than willing to fix their friendship (romance) again.


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