eARC Review: The Comeback Summer by Ali Brady
The Comeback Summer
Book Info
Released Date: May 9th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 480
Format: eBook
“had mixed feelings about this book”
I enjoyed reading Ali Brady's previous book, so I knew that I might like this book as well. But unfortunately, I had mixed feelings about this book. Before I go into my mixed feelings, I will say that it contains some spoilers in the book, so avoid it if you don’t want any spoilers.
I did warn you, but let’s get into my mixed feelings about The Comeback Summer by Ali Brady.
First, I had problems with the sister's interactions. I understand that siblings can be difficult or different from each other since I have a few sisters. But the bond between these two in the beginning doesn’t state a sisterly bond, it’s more of a mother-daughter situation. And that’s more of an issue between them because the older siblings are always trying to take care of the younger sibling, as parents would do. And that creates an issue between them.
Second, I find the second sibling a tad annoying at times. I kept trying to understand her, but I just could not deal with the second sibling. She was so annoyed about the changes. I understand she may find it difficult at first, but changes are necessary. Nothing can ever be the same; things evolve.
Third, the constant challenges in this book were a bit too much for me. I understand that if characters want to change something in their lives, it’s alright. But one shouldn’t have to constantly change everything about themselves. These challenges should reflect themselves, not constantly change all of their good qualities.
With all of these feelings I had toward the book, I really didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. That’s the problem I have when I have high expectations for upcoming books. It’s best to set the bar low, so I won’t be disappointed.