eARC Review: Mad About You by Mhairi McFarlane


Mad About You

Book Info

  • Released Date: August 9th

  • Publication: Avon

  • Pages: 432

  • Format: eBook

love reading any of Mhairi McFarlane books
— Abigail Books Addiction

I always love reading any of Mhairi McFarlane books. They are always the best romance books to read, so I was already pumped to read her newest book a few weeks early before release day. And I have some conflicted feelings about it.

From reading the book summary, we were getting opposite attracts with the close proximity trope in Mad About You. Yet, it fell flat for me. I understood that both of the main characters were opposites of each other, but it does not mean to belittle their personality or what they believe in. I truly felt that Harriet was such a mean female character. Just how she behaves with others, especially with Cal, is just uncalled for. I just can’t stand her so much that it ruined the book for me.


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