eARC Review: Love at First by Kate Clayborn



Love at First

Book Info

  • Released Date: Feb 23rd

  • Publication: Kensington

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: eBook

Who doesn’t love cute-cute romance stories?
— Abigail Books Addiction

We got another cute-rom com story to you.

I got to warn you. I was totally expected for Love at First to be a slow-burning romance story. But I never expect it to be so long. Like I really anticipated slow-burning romance stories because it builds the suspension between the characters and it also builds their relationship and friendship as a whole. Dragging a love story so slow makes the read difficult. I tried several times to finish Love at First. It made it difficult for me to connect with the storyline and the characters. I know that there will be other readers who will appreciate Love at First but for me, it was not my type of book.


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