eARC Review: Kills Well with Other by Deanna Raybourn


Kills Well with Others

Book Info

  • Released Date: March 11

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 368

  • Format: eBook

I am low-key hoping that there is more to the series if possible
— Abigail Books Addiction

Literally, I didn’t know that Deanna Raybourn was going to write a sequel to Killers of a Certain Age. So imagine my surprise when I saw Kills Well with Others on NetGalley. I immediately requested, and I am beyond glad that I did.

Kills Well with Others outdid itself. And I am low-key hoping that there is more to the series if possible. I enjoy these female characters so much. Each of them provides so much to the plot and more. Let me give you a brief overview of them and why I love them so much.

-Billie: love her complex personality while she tries her hardest not to fall in love again

Helen: so polished yet so deadly. very happy that she found her groove again after grieving her husband.

Mary Alice: loving the messy personality while she holds onto her family

Natalie: Her boldness is everything and more. You can’t deny it.

All of these ladies make the perfect assassin team that no one can beat. One way or another, they are going to figure out the pieces to the mission. No one is going to kill them without the


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