eARC Review: Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane
Just Last Night
Book Info
Released Date: May 4th
Publication: William Morrow
Pages: 416
Format: eBook
“You got to read this book”
Get ready for big revelations among Eve, Justin, Susie, and Ed. Big changes are happening with this friend group. It won't be what you expected. A lot of secrets are going to be exposed when tragedy hits. But it will make Eve question everything in her life including her friend group. I won't go into too much detail but I love that Eva is changing in her life. She was kinda stuck in her life but when tragedy hits, it changed everything including her perspective of friends. It's okay to change. No one is never going to be the same as they were before. It's life. People evolve throughout the years. And Eve is going to realize what she is meant to be and maybe with whom.
You won't know whom at first but definitely expect mixed reactions. Not all readers are going to love at first. But remember Mhairi McFarlane has a way in changing our mind with misunderstood characters. I do not know how Mhairi McFarlane does it but she knows how to make readers fall in love with villain-like/misunderstood characters. She is brilliant in her writing. Whenever I start her books, I always say nope I am not going to love this character and then, she starts her magic and reveals layer by layer and I immediately fall deeper in love. And she does it in Just Last Night.