eARC Review: It’s Been A Pleasure, Noni Blake by Clare Christian
It’s Been A Pleasure, Noni Blake
Book Info
Released Date: Feb 23rd
Publication: Harlequin
Pages: 368
Format: eBook
“Self-care is always important no matter what”
I never read from Clare Christian before so I was totally ready to dive in. It was a bit different writing style that I expected but it was also refreshing though. Let me explain.
The beginning of It's Been a Pleasure, Noni Blake starts off with a bang. Not a literal one but more of a restart for Noni Blake. She has always been willing to please others in her relationship, romantic or not. Lately, she has been neglecting herself. That stops now when she takes a long hard look at herself. She needs to do more for her than anyone else. Self-care is always important. It's time for Noni Blake to start doing so. It's going to be a wild ride.