eARC Review: How to Love Your Neighbor by Sophie Sullivan


How to Love Your Neighbor

Book Info

  • Released Date: Jan 18th

  • Publication: SMP

  • Pages: 354

  • Format: eBook

This book covers convince me to read this book. I'm going to read it and let you know what's up.
Grace is all about hard work. She worked so hard in school while being employed as well. She is so close to her dreams that she finally has time to fix her little fix-up house. But nothing goes to plan when her grumpy neighbor moves next door. Noah is more than ready to make a big career move. He needs some cooperation from his sunny neighbor.
You know what they say: grumpy sunshine romance trope is the best romance story to read. I do say that I love reading a grumpy and sunshine romance trope, but it has to be done right. Unfortunately, I did not find this book in the particular grumpy and sunshine romance trope. Grace and Noah are more aligned with the forced proximity romance trope than the grumpy sunshine romance trope.
How to Love Your Neighbor is a cute romance story to read. It's not a whoa book through. It may be for others, just not for me.


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