eARC Review: Happy Medium by Sarah Adler
Happy Medium
Book Info
Released Date: April 30th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 416
Format: eBook
“these two characters just have something between them behind all of their sparky yet weird interactions”
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book. At first, I was a bit skeptical about it since I didn’t know where it was leading when both of the characters distrusted each other from the start. As I kept reading through the chapters, I could just tell that these two characters just have something between them behind all of their sparky yet weird interactions. Trust me, you are going to notice their chemistry between them.
Gretchen and Charlie may not align together, but their chemistry is off the charts. Just from their first interaction, there were sparks between them, even though they distrusted each other so much. And yet, they can’t deny their feelings after all. Trust me, they really tried denying their feelings for each other. You can’t deny your heart, no matter how hard you try.
While Gretchen and Charlie try their best to deny their feelings, Gretchen tries to live her best life. It’s very hard when she grows up to be a con artist, and her father doesn’t help either. She truly wants to be cared for. And it’s something she didn’t realize she needed until she kept spending her time and effort with Charles. It makes her want things that she never admitted to herself.