eARC Review: Finding Paradise by Barbara Dunlope


Finding Paradise

Book Info

  • Released Date: Nov 30th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 401

  • Format: eBook

I was more than ready to read this book. I enjoyed the first book in the series, so I was definitely excited that I received the eARC of the second book in the series.
I have to say that it took a bit to read this book. I truly did not connect with the character's chemistry with each other. It felt too forced at first. They are the complete opposite of each other, and I really don't understand how they will complement each other. But the more I read, the more I understood how perfect they are for each other. They know their faults within each other and that they have no expectations of their relationship. But yet they form something deeper as they spend more time with each other. That's the beauty of time.


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