eARC: Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai
Girl Gone Viral
Book Info
Released Date: Apr 21
Publication: Avon
Pages: 400
Format: Ebook
“Guess who is getting a book?”
Guess who wrote another book in Modern Love series? That's right, Alisha Rai.
She definitely graces us with Katrina story. And I was dying for it. I was so curious about Katrina that I just squeal when I received a copy of her book, Girl Gone Viral. It's another hit romance book.
Katrina hides so much that it is definitely curious how she became a mega billionaire. But readers finds out everything in Girl Gone Viral. Katrina has been previously married before that she inherited a lot of money but her former husband past away. But that still does not explain why she hides away from the world until we get into the middle of the book. She had a controlling father/manager that they manage to kidnapped her in the past that left her a bit scared of the public life. And who wouldn't. I know I would if I experience something like that. It's a big deal. And it takes her to realize as she faces another dilemma in her life. But do not worry, she has Jas besides her side.
Jas is definitely something else that I definitely do not mind that Katrina has a huge crush on him. He always take care of her that I think it is precious if they do get together. And I find it even more precious that Jas has a crush too. But they are still in the denial stage in the beginning of the book. But don't you worry, things do catch-up as the story progresses.
I know reader will definitely enjoy Katrina and Jas in Girl Gone Virl. It may start off slow but it does pick up that you catch yourself reading more and more as it progresses in the story.