eARC: Copycat Killer by Laura Scott


Suspense Rom

Copycat Killer


Book Info

  • Released Date: Apr 7th

  • Publication: Harlequin

  • Pages: 224

  • Format: Ebook

Ready for a dog suspense romance book?
— Abigail Books Addiction

I absolutely love reading any dog romance theme book. They are such a joy to read that I won’t stop reading until the end.

Detective Nate Slater is on the case when a child is the only witness to a crime that’s a bit too familiar. He is right on the case but he will also get close with the child Aunt. It may be risky but love is always worth it.

I won’t spoil anything but you will definitely be on the edge while you read Copycat Killer. Better pay attention cause it will be crazy soon enough.


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