eARC: The Sea Glass Cottage by RaeAnne Thayne



The Sea Glass Cottage


Book Info

  • Released Date: Mar. 17th

  • Publication: Harlequin

  • Pages: 384

  • Format: Ebook

Emotional Read? Check. Family Secrets? Check.
— Abigail Books Addiction

Get ready for an emotional read cause it’s going to be a twist ride. RaeAnne Thayne has delivered a family drama book that will keep you on edge.

Each woman in The Sea Glass Cottage has stories. Each complicated between each other. But what they don’t know is they have each other if they only open up. That’s much of the challenge. There are deep secrets between each other that it is going to take some time to move past it and heal.

I feel like I should have liked this book more. But something was missing. Don’t know what but something. There was too much hurt within each other that it felt rush toward the end. They all needed time to heal and figure out why they each other.


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