ARC: The Persuasion by Iris Johansen



The Persuasion


Book Info

  • Released Date: Jun 2nd

  • Publication: Grand Central

  • Pages: 464

  • Format: Hardcover

You ready for a fast-paced thriller?
— Abigail Books Addiction

Fast-pace suspense? Check. Crazy killer? Check. Intense Romance? Check. The Persuasion has it all and even more.

The Persuasion focuses more about Jane, Eve Duncan and Joe Quinn's daughter. Jane is a successful artist that it comes no surprise that she has a strong following of fans. But it does come across a price especially since someone is trying to kill her. Don’t worry, she will get the most qualified bodyguard, Seth.

It should be easy between them but their relationship is complicated. They have a lot of issues to address but they truly love each other. I think that they should focus more about their love because it is always worth pursuing their relationship if there is love between them. Plus, they have a madman after them that they need to be on their A-game in catching them before it is too late.


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