eARC: The Final Deception by Heather Graham
The Final Deception
Book Info
Released Date: March 31st
Publication: MIRA
Pages: 304
Format: Ebook
“Like it’s the must thriller romance read”
Kieran and Craig are back at it again! And I’m so fucking thrill. I totally love reading about Kieran and Craig so much. Like it’s the must thriller romance read. I fucking love it. And their latest release did not disappoint at all.
The Final Deception will bring the gruesome murders alive than ever. And there are many twists and turns than anyone can expected. But you better know that Kieran and Craig are the middle of it.
FBI Agent Craig is the lead investigator regarding the serial murders going on. And it is definitely getting to him because the murderer seems to focus on Psychologist Kieran. I definitely can understand his fear. He truly love Kieran so much that he does not want nothing to happen to her. But as usual, she is usually in the middle of his cases. It does not surprise me at all. Kieran has eye on things that Craig sometimes mess. She has a brilliant mind that it makes totally sense to have her. And I know that they both need each other with this case.
Don’t expect things as it seems. There are surprises that you won’t expect. Trust me.