eARC: Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert
Romance Com.
Take a Hint, Dani Brown
Book Info
Released Date: Jun 23rd
Publication: Avon
Pages: 400
Format: Ebook
“We get another Brown sister romance”
When I read Get A Life, Chloe Brown, I was in love. And when I saw that Chloe Brown's sister, Dani, was getting a book, I totally knew that I was going to love it.
Dani Brown was briefly introduced in Get A Life, Chloe Brown. She is a brilliant PhD student that is going to conquer the world. She got it all down except for her personal life. She has been a little rutted lately but she is finally ready to get herself a friend with benefit. She does not believe in love at all until she meets Zafir Ansari.
Zafir Ansari is such a cute softy. He is like a bear on the outside but he is always caring about others especially Dani. She is definitely his type but he wants more. He knows that she is the one for him but it's going to take some time and effort for them to be together. She has a past that she needs to go through before she is willing to go all in with Zafir. And he is more than willing to wait.