eARC: Always the Last to Know by Kristan Higgins


Women Fict

Always the Last to Know

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Book Info

  • Released Date: Jun 9th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 400

  • Format: Ebook

Get ready to be ruined with this emotional read
— Abigail Books Addiction

Kristan Higgins is a mastermind in creating emotional stories that will leave you thinking. And Always the Last to Know will make you rethink about marriage in a very different way.
Marriage is never easy. It’s always a work effort but it has to be both party willing too. When it is not, then that’s where everything goes sideway. And that’s how Barb and John's relationship gets a little murky. 
I definitely felt conflicted with Barb and John. Like I want them to work together but there is so much that has happened that makes it difficult for them. I won’t be spoiling anything but I got to say that Barb and John had me thinking about how relationships take work, it’s never easy but it is definitely worth it if both parties feel the same as well. 
Barb and John's daughters have some challenges in their life. But I think that their parents' experience may help them if they are willing to watch and listen from their mistakes. You always learn from your mistakes. 


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