Blog Tour: The Not-Outcast by Tijan



The Not-Outcast


Book Info

  • Released Date: Dec 1st

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 300

  • Format: eBook

We get another brand-new book from the fabulous Tijan!
— Abigail Books Addiction

Tijan has done it again! She wrote another addicting romance story that I immediately fell in love with. Like it’s different from the rest of her books.

We have a hockey romance story with new characters from Tijan. And they are totally different from her previous books. We get to meet Cheyenne who is so cute that you want to protect her at all costs, especially discovering what she is dealing with and always will have to do with. And it definitely helps that Cut shares the same feelings with us.

I won’t go into too much detail because I do not want to spoil anything. But I got to say that I immediately love Cheyenne and Cut together. They have such chemistry for each other that you just know that they are meant to be. They may face some challenges, especially from her so-called family but they can overcome them. Expect some juicy drama going on cause family is never easy to deal with.


Blog Tour (giveaway): A Warm Heart In Winter by J.R. Ward


Review: Bride of the Sea by Hayley Faiman