ARC Review: Tideborn by Eliza Chan



Book Info

  • Released Date: March 25

  • Publication: Orbit

  • Pages: 352

  • Format: Paperback

Was I a bit hesitant in reading this book after the first book left me in scrambles? Yes, I was. I was very scared to read it because the first book left me in tears, especially that ending. I still don't believe it. But I got to keep moving and continue Mira and Nami's story.

I will warn you that this book is more political fantasy than romance. It's more about finding the right balance for everyone no matter what. It's going to be challenging. Thankfully, we have Mira and Nami willing to do so. I will also say that Mira and Nami have changed a lot throughout this book. Mira is still recovering from her loss, and she just isn't in the best mindset while we have Nami willing to set it up and be like her brother. Nami has always been compared to her brother, but this time she is more than willing to prove that her brother's sacrifice was worth it. It's always worth it. 


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