ARC Review: The Legend of Meneka by Kritika H. Rao
The Legend of Meneka
Book Info
Released Date: January 21
Publication: Harper Collins
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
“nonstop banter makes the tension so much more intense that I am waiting patiently for Meneka and Kaushika to be together already”
Did I unexpectedly fall in love with this book? Yes, I did. Did I need more after finishing it? Yes, I need more! It's literally so freaking good for a diverse fantasy read. It has bits of Hindu mythology with romantic fantasy elements, and it ties so well together.
The Legend of Meneka starts off slow, but it's a good thing. You want to know more about the world-building before getting to the action-packed or the romance starting to heat up. It's best to pay attention because it comes to a head toward the end. Trust me, it gets a bit action-packed when everything comes ahead.
I won't say anything more besides the nonstop tension and chemistry between Meneka and Kaushika. Their nonstop banter makes the tension so much more intense that I am waiting patiently for Meneka and Kaushika to be together already. I know that they are attracted to each other even though they don't trust each other. You just can't deny the chemistry and the never-ending pull. It's there.