ARC Review: Sammy Espinoza’s Last Review by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Sammy Espinoza’s Last Review
Book Info
Released Date: July 18th
Publication: Random House
Pages: 348
Format: Paperback
“I’m happy that I gave this book a chance.”
I’m happy that I gave this book a chance. I didn’t hear too much about it, so I was going in with open eyes. And I have so much to say. Like so much. I need you to read about how much I love this book, but also kind of why I got annoyed with it. I still enjoyed it. I just have some points that I want to address.
Let’s get a start on why I love this book:
-messy main characters are my favorite read. why? they are the most flawed yet relatable characters to read about. no one is perfect in life.
-loving how vengeful the main character, sammy, gets when her ex bails on her. i’m all about the female rage no matter what.
-comforting your past takes guts and courage. and the main characters do it flawlessly and messily throughout the book.
-i love the endless music references that are mentioned throughout the book. i always enjoy listening to music, and discovering new musics
-my girl, sammy, finally learning to forgive herself and setting boundaries. it takes a lot of courage to learn how to forgive yourself, and setting boundaries.
And now, we have to get down on why I got annoyed with this book:
-the love interest wasn’t my favorite choice for my girl, sammy. why? he literally doesn’t communicate about his issues or past until the very end. and don’t get me started on his ghosting behave
-sammy giving the love interest too much leeway. i understand why she has problems with setting boundaries and deserving better from people, but she needs to get a grip.
-that mother is just terrible. there are no excuses for her behavior or why she lied. no forgiveness for her at all.
-i didn’t want sammy with the love interest. wanted her to be with someone else. she deserves way better
I think overall, I truly enjoyed reading this book. Yes, I got annoyed at some parts of the book. But I loved a lot of them so much that it outweighed my annoyances with the love interest and the mother.