ARC Review: Love and Other Conspiracies by Mallory Marlowe


Love and Other Conspiracies

Book Info

  • Released Date: August 20th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 368

  • Format: Paperback

I got to be honest with you. I didn’t know what I was reading when I picked this book up. I truly thought it was going to be a funny romance read with a bit of conspiracie ’ humor. Instead, I was reading about two completely opposite people falling in love while they produce a mini-TV show based on conspiracies theories. And it was okay if you were asking for my opinion.

I just didn’t love it. It was more about the vibes than the romance book. Just reading it to past the times. I just didn’t love the characters relationships. I don’t think they are meant for each other. Their doctor wasn’t there at all. And don’t get me started about the male character obsession with conspiracies theories.


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