ARC Review: Island Time by Georgia Clark
Women Fict
Island Time
Book Info
Released Date: June 14th
Publication: Atria
Pages: 416
Format: Paperback
“I always enjoy reading messy family fiction reads”
I was kind of hesitant to read this book. I was not really a fan of Georgie Clark's early books, so I had low expectations for this book. And boy, did I underestimate this book? I truly enjoy reading about the messy lives of all the characters. I have a few favorites from this book that I can’t wait to tell you about.
There are about a handful of characters in Island Time that we get each of their POVs from in the book. All of their POVs are connected to each other, so you won’t be confused while reading their POVs. My favorite characters in this book are the Lees family and Glen Kelly. The other Kelly family members I don’t like at all, which I will explain later.
The Lees family may be afoot and stuffing other people, but they are my favorite people in the book including Glen Kelly. Each of them has so much meaning to them, but yet it’s not out in the open unless you read their POV. And it was my favorite part to read.
I also love reading about Glen Kelly as well. Glen Kelly is the only member of the Kelly family that I truly enjoyed. He may be silent about his feelings, but when you read about his background then you will understand how he operates. He just needs someone on his side, or at least someone willing to listen to him. That’s why his former wife is not going to work for him. His wife is just not the only one. And it’s better that they are divorcing each other.
Don’t get me started on the other Kelly family members. I really tried to like them because people are flawed, but I just could not. They were truly selfish about their choices and feelings. They never cared about the afterthoughts or actions that affected other people. And they don’t own up to it, so I refuse to try.