ARC Review: In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren



In A Holidaze


Book Info

  • Released Date: Oct 6th

  • Publication: Gallery

  • Pages: 336

  • Format: Paperback

Ready for sweet holiday romance?
— Abigail Books Addiction

Christian Lauren knows how to write heart-warming romance stories. And In a Holidaze has the same feel.

In a Holidaze is a bit different than how Christina Lauren writes their stories. But I am always game to read a different type of same. Some styles are mostly the same for romance stories that it's a bit tiring so I was looking forward to reading In a Holidaze.

Time-changing through the holiday is a different way to read because there are some many changes that happen in the story that it gets a bit repetitive especially with Maelyn's case. Maelyn never expects to repeat her Christmas so many times but she does know that she won't get it right until she completely feels satisfied with her life. There are many changes she wants but all she knows is that she only wants to be with her true love. It may take a few tries but nothing is ever perfect until you keep on trying. Lucky for Maelyn will discover her true love and along the way she will discover her true self.


eARC Review: Custom Built by Chantal Fernando


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